Paid Search Marketing
While it may be your endeavour to appear in the natural search results page (SERPs), it may take lot of hard work and time to achieve the same, ethically. You may set your eyes on that and yet work around a short cut in the interim.
We Are Accountable For Your Every Penny, Every Click.
Paid Search Marketing acts a bridge between your search ranking goals and SEO results. It helps businesses increase their visibility and chances of being found through paid efforts. We mean an extremely accountable paid effort! You don’t shell out a dime, unless your target audience engages with your advertisement. How does it work? Consumers insert keywords in search engines and get a combination of natural search results and sponsored search results. These sponsored results are nothing but paid efforts by advertisers who use scientific methodology for sharp targeting of their promotions.
What Are The Services We Offer?

Keyword Research
It begins with your best guess on consumer speak and it’s synonymous for your products. But it is followed up with selection of top few keywords based on a scientific methodology entailing analysis of volumes, competition and relevance. Our experts help select the best set from a sea of related keywords.

Bid Management
It is a crucial step because it involves management of your advertising monies. A wrong bid can exhaust your money too fast without delivering the desired results. An extra cautious spending pattern can leave behind huge savings and under delivery of campaign objectives. Our experts help attain a fine balance.

Campaign Set-up
The success of your campaign depends on how judiciously and sharply you define the campaign parameters. Our experts carefully evaluate the right permutation of location, language, network, devices and target audience. Wrong targeting can ruin the campaign efforts.

Analytics Reporting
There is plethora of data available. We have proprietary tools and experienced analytics managers who convert the numbers into actionable information. Paid search marketing requires a sanity check on quality score and conversions on an on-going basis. A good analytics report can help tweak campaigns and deliver much better results.
Why Hire Mediacle?
A layman will advice bidding on No.1 positions for high volume keywords. Mediacle managers will suggest bidding on a mix of positions on both, highly competitive and lowly competitive keywords. We have learnt the tricks to optimize client’s advertising monies while achieving the desired outcomes. We believe Paid Search Marketing begins with a deep dive into consumer psychographics and ends with robust number crunching. Our managers are equipped to handle all faculties.
Paid Search Marketing helps you not miss the opportunity to pitch to your target audience at the moment of truth, when he is searching for your products. Advertisements don’t have the credibility of a PR news report and yet businesses use them. Similarly, Paid Search Marketing may not match the benefits of SEO and yet is a brilliant marketing tool to reach digital audiences. Should you want to know more about the scope of Paid Search Marketing for your business, do get in touch with our experts. Mediacle’s Paid Search Marketing services help businesses achieve the most from their limited advertising moolah.